Gone are the days that I used to role solo.
Before I had kids, the mornings were all MINE.
I got up when I wanted.
I brushed my teeth when I wanted. I showered when I wanted.
I ate breakfast and buckled myself into my car and went on about my day when I wanted.
Those days, I never once opened my eyes and saw two kids and a puppy staring at me like a science experiment!
But then God did something for me.
He blessed me with kids.
And suddenly two little ones were dictating my mornings, which I suppose would be fine if I had been one of those super moms who manage to make parenting look like a piece of strawberry cake perfectly baked then topped with the right amount of icing.
Now that I've got kids, I do what I do for myself but times two!
The truth of the matter is...
Mornings used to be VERY chaotic and VERY busy. Hubby and I knew our superpowers and strengths to somehow make it happen, day in and day out.
I can laugh about it now, but we definitely high-fived each another whenever I was able to get the kids to school before the bell rang and tardy slips were graciously given.
Woop woop... Score!!
But because the mornings were often times chaotic and super busy, I was starting the rest of my day in the same manner -- feeling chaotic and feeling like I had a gazillion things to do. As a creature of habit... it was hard to break.
But your girl figured it out.
As the great Maya Angelou said, "Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better."
Eventually, I realized that every single day is a day to prepare for the next. It wasn’t until I started the practice of getting school clothes, snacks, and backpacks ready the night before and waking up long before the kiddos that I understood how powerful it is to get ahead of the day.
And these days...
Well, I've empowered myself to intentionally plan and create my morning routine around the kind of day that I want to have, because if you command your morning, then you command the day. If you own the day, then you own the week. Either YOU run the day, or your day WILL run you.
Can I share something with you?
You don't have to answer every call in the morning.
You don't have to put out every fire that drops itself on your doorstep every morning.
You don't have to let "stuff" that doesn't matter put you in a place where you're not fully prepared for the day.
This is the best routine you can set for yourself, and mine is made up of new habits I’ve worked in and out of my life and had to rework 472 times to get right. It's the ultimate start to my days. I’m sharing it with you to give you a head start on creating one for yourself because time flies, but until you realize that you're the pilot... your shortcomings will spill into your day.

6:15-6:45AM-Â I get my music going to pump myself up for my spiritual workout. No, I'm not hitting the gym just yet... but my first workout is moreso a Jesus Girl workout where I spend time meditating upon the word of God and listening to my playlist of Contemporary Christian music. That's my spiritual energy drink and morning manna. I pray, then read my Bible, then meditate even longer so that the Word soaks into my spirit.
6:45 - 7:00AM-Â I listen to my favorite motivational gurus, depending upon the mood I'm in and sometimes the temperature in the house.
7:00AM- 7:30AM- My husband's "Wake It On Up" alarm goes off and it's showtime. By this time, I've fortified myself with an unstoppable mindset. I’m ready to drag my two little ones out of bed and help them practice their weekly scriptures, while they brush their teeth. Once they're good to go, I send them downstairs to be in the midst of the lovely aroma emerging from the kitchen. They have a delicious meal prepared by our very own Breakfast Chef aka Daddy.
7:30 - 8:15AM-Â I hop in the shower, get dressed, and chuckle while listening to the conversations going on at the breakfast table. Once I head downstairs, I tie up any loose ends and prepare to drop my little geniuses off to school. Once we've showered Daddy with hugs, kisses and bye-bye's, we head out the door.
8:15AM-Â 8:30AM-Â Our drive to school is packed with energy. We pray, we laugh, we sing, we dance in our seats, and I prepare them mentally to be the best that they can be. Although it's bitter sweet to see them run into the building, this is the beginning of my anticipated ME TIME!!!!
8:30AM - 8:45AM-Â By this time, I usually call hubby to let him know that we made it in time! I arrive back at my house and get my hot water with lemon ready. I eat my two boiled eggs with two slices of Ezekiel bread and turkey bacon. This is what I eat EVERY single morning. Shout out plant based diets!
8:45AM-Â 9:00AM - About this time, I head into my home office to check out what I WANT to get done for the day before heading to my Body Pump class. As many of you already know, I live a laptop lifestyle as a wealth activating business coach. With a radio show, coaching clients, and a super engaging Instagram page and Facebook Group called Wealthy Women Entrepreneurs, I keep myself pretty busy.
P.S. I tend not to answer my phone or check email before 9:00 a.m. because this helps me have the most amount of creativity and to be in control of my day and really have clarity. I hope what I've shared with you inspires you to create your own morning routine! Be sure to Check out my radio show this week on Monday at 6:00 p.m. for my FULL routine!